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Faculty and Staff

The Office of Title IX handles reports of prohibited conduct for university employees. Important information about your responsibilities as a mandatory reporter, as well as how best to help students and colleagues who report prohibited conduct to you, also resides within this website.

Reporting an Incident

If you report prohibited conduct to the Office of Title IX, you are considered a complainant.

If you are a complainant, you are not required to file a formal complaint with the Office of Title IX; however, the Office of Title IX wants to ensure you have access to resources and know about the available options for filing a formal complaint.

Learn more about supportive measures and filing a formal complaint.

Mandatory Reporters

A mandatory reporter is a university employee who is identified in the Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking (“Policy”) as an option for a student to report prohibited conduct to the university.

Learn more about mandatory reporters.

Helping Students and Colleagues

Steps to follow if you become aware that someone in our university community has been impacted by prohibited conduct.

Learn more about how to help.

Responding to an Accusation

If you have been accused of sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), sexual exploitation, or retaliation, you are considered a respondent.

Learn more about responding to an accusation.