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Make a Mandatory Report


Online Mandatory Reporter Form

Students can choose to report prohibited conduct to the university by speaking with a mandatory reporter.

Mandatory reporters are often the first to hear about behaviors that violate university policy.

When a student shares information about an incident of sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking), sexual exploitation, or retaliation (prohibited conduct) with a mandatory reporter, the law also considers the university to be in possession of that knowledge.

Once a mandatory reporter is informed of prohibited conduct, the university is obligated to act to stop the behavior, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.

By reporting prohibited conduct to the Office of Title IX, mandatory reporters ensure that the university can fulfill its legal obligation. Reporting also ensures that the person who experienced the prohibited conduct can receive the support or resources they may want or need.

Who is a Mandatory Reporter?

If you work for the University of Tennessee, it is very likely that you are a mandatory reporter. The only university employees not considered to be mandatory reporters are those who hold a valid license in a profession for which Tennessee law recognizes a confidential relationship between them and their clients or patients.

Mandatory reporters are required to report information about known or suspected prohibited conduct to the Office of Title IX within 48-hours whether the employee received the information by means of a complaint, report, personal observation, or otherwise, including information learned from third parties.

A university employee is almost always a mandatory reporter when either the complainant or respondent is a student.  As a mandatory reporter, if a student complainant or respondent reports an incident involving prohibited conduct to you, you must report it to the Office of Title IX.

As a mandatory reporter, if an employee you supervise reports an incident involving prohibited conduct to you, you must report it to the Office of Title IX.

For exceptions to this rule and more details, please consult the official policy.

Even if you are not a mandatory reporter with respect to a particular situation or incident, the university strongly encourages you to report the information to the Office of Title IX.

Employees who have questions about their reporting responsibilities or students who have questions about an employee’s reporting responsibilities should contact the Title IX Coordinator.

2024-2025 Mandatory Reporter Resource Card

If the person reporting the incident is under the age of 18 and this is a case of suspected child abuse or child sexual abuse, report the incident to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services by calling the Central Intake Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-542-2873 or 1-877-237-0004.

Campus Security Authorities

Employees who have been designated by the UT Police Department (UTPD) as Campus Security Authorities for purposes of compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) should evaluate whether they have an independent obligation to report misconduct to UTPD.

Questions about the reporting obligations of Campus Security Authorities should be directed to Jillian Vann, the University’s Clery Compliance Coordinator, at or 865-974-0544.