The Office of Title IX is committed to providing supportive measures for both complainants and respondents who are addressing matters covered under the Title IX federal mandate and the Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence and Stalking (“Policy”).
Reporting an Incident
Title IX Incident Reporting FormIf you report prohibited conduct to the Office of Title IX, you are considered a complainant.
If you are a complainant, you are not required to file a formal complaint with the Office of Title IX; however, the Office of Title IX wants to ensure you have access to resources and know about the available options for filing a formal complaint.
More information on reporting an incident
Responding to an Accusation
If you have been accused of sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking), sexual exploitation, and retaliation, you are considered a respondent.
If you are a respondent currently going through the investigation process, you can find information on how to access supportive measures and resources, as well as information about the investigative process with the university and law enforcement.
More information on responding to an accusation
Helping a Friend
Your friends or family members may choose to disclose to you that they have experienced prohibited conduct, or that they have been accused of prohibited conduct. We encourage students to help those friends who may be either complainants or respondents.
More information for friends who want to help
Pregnant Students
The Office of Title IX provides support and accommodations for students who are pregnant, including information regarding how to request accommodations such as medical leave, where to find private lactation rooms on campus, and more.