If you become aware that someone in our university community has been impacted by prohibited conduct, take these steps.
If the person sharing the information with you is a student or an employee whom you supervise, you are a mandatory reporter. As a mandatory reporter, you cannot guarantee confidentiality.
Let them know that as a mandatory reporter, you must report information regarding prohibited conduct.
Thank them for sharing with you, but avoid asking investigative questions.
Ask if they have any concerns about their safety or the safety of others.
Learn about your role as a mandatory reporter.
Be Supportive.
Don’t tell them what they should do.
Explain that you want to connect them with support and information about their options.
If you are in a mandatory reporter role, let them know you will contact the Office of Title IX, who, in turn, will reach out to them with support and resources.
Reassure them it is their decision whether or how they want to proceed with support from the Office of Title IX.
Contact the Office of Title IX and report all known information. This should occur no later than 48-hours after receiving the report. If the end of the 48-hour reporting window falls on a weekend or university holiday, the mandatory reporter should report the incident as soon as possible on the next university business day.
You can file a report by calling 865-974-9600 (or 865-974-4357 after hours) or by emailing titleix@utk.edu. If this is an emergency, contact 911.
If the person reporting the incident is under the age of 18 and this is a case of suspected child abuse or child sexual abuse, report the incident to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services by calling the Central Intake Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-542-2873 or 1-877-237-0004.